.Net Framework:
Web App Stack:
Accessing Data in Visual Studio
ASP.NET Data Access - Recommended Resources
MVC Recommended Resources
ASP.NET MVC 4 Content Map
ASP.NET MVC samples recommended
ASP.NAzure WebJobs - Recommended ResourcesASP.NET Identity Recommended Resources
Winforms Section:
Responsive GUI using Multi-threading in C# Winforms
Useful Links:
- What should every programmer know about web development?
- Database behind a Multilingual User Interface
- The Curse and Blessings of Dynamic SQL
Learning Links:
- Windows Forms Data Binding
- Security Practices: ASP.NET Security Practices at a Glance
- Windows Phone 7 and Silver light - some good articles here.
· Best way to stress test a website
· ASP.NET Stress Testing
Xtream Programming:
· What is Extreme Programming?
Project Management:
· Where can you get access to PM related on-line resources?
Question and Answers on SO Users Profile:
Task Link:
Task Link:
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Found some great Android development courses by John Sonmez.
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